Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Time to be honest, brutally honest.

First, a little history. I got this idea from another blog I follow. I thought it was fun and interesting to see what the rest of us have done this week that was either completely embarrassing or just plain dumb. Please post your "wasn't me" in the comment section below.

- I did not trip on may way into my car at the bank the other day. I also didn't then blame my stumble on my stupid F#%*ing shoes loud enough that a lady shot a dirty look at me, that wasn't me!


  1. I didnt get shwasted at a party the other nite and use my own ball in pong then led a search party of 5 people the next morning to look for this lost "jeff ball" only to discover after 10 min of searching it was in my pocket the entire time...

  2. I did not trip over the baby gate launching my brief case across the kitchen. That wasn't me!
